Why The Law of Attraction Isn’t As Absurd As You Think

There may be more to it.

photo by KELLEPICS on pixabay

The law of attraction states you can attract positive things by thinking positive thoughts. Supposedly, you can raise your energy and frequency by thinking positive, and then good things suddenly appear to be happening.

The law of attraction is regarded as pseudoscience and very hippy-dippy, but it’s not as absurd as you think.

This universe is alive with energy.

Science has proven that much. The universe is a living entity and everything in it has energy. Or, it has an energy to it. If you look at physics, you can even find the equation to calculate said energy for any object, living or inanimate, in the world.

Everything has energy. You have energy, I have energy, cars have energy. My bed, a book, water.

It’s not absurd to think that these energies can attract each other.

Like energies attract.

Things with the same frequency are drawn together. Similar energies will be drawn together. Positive thoughts will reap positive benefits, likewise, negative thoughts focus on negative events.

As you start thinking more positively, you may notice more positive things happening.

In a phenomenon called confirmation bias, we look for things to confirm our belief systems.

Maybe it’s simply a matter of perception.

If you start to believe positive events will happen, they will. And it’s not because you’re ‘attracting’ them. It’s because you’ve simply started noticing them. You just weren’t paying any attention to them.

Once you start looking for something, you will find it.

It’s like when you first buy a new car, you suddenly start seeing that car everywhere on the road.

Maybe the law of attraction is complete crap. Maybe it’s not.

It may simply be a matter of perspective. Once your thoughts shift, so does your perspective. Instead of focusing on the bad, or whatever you were focusing on, now you’re giving more attention to the good things going on.

No matter what, you will always find what you’re looking for.

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