How to Create a Writing System That Works for You

Photo by shawnanggg on Unsplash

All of the best writers have one thing in common: they have a system.A system ensures they have a routine in place and a way to know when and what they’re writing. It gives them a schedule for when they post and how often they post. Systems are necessary for any writer.Having a system can make or break you.

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” –James Clear

A walkthrough of my system

I try to start every morning the same way. I get up, exercise, then get to writing. This is all normally takes place from 8 am to 9 am.After I write, I’ll publish my daily article on Medium. I may spend some more time writing, and throwing in some editing there.I’m always refining my system. So, how can you build your own system?

Building your system

Let’s start with your writing habit. When do you write best? Find a time that works for you and your schedule and put it in pen. You are specifically setting aside this time to write.Next, figure out where you want to write. Is it going to be at your desk, at a coffee shop? Determine a time and place for your writing habit.It helps to do the same routine every time you write. If you have a morning routine or a routine you do before writing, that’s great to get you into the mindset and ready for writing.You can now use that every day to get in the writing flow and get your writing done.

Adjust as needed

You can always adjust it if it’s not working for you. Try the system out for a week or so and see how you feel.If it’s not working, experiment to find out what does work.Not everyone is going to follow the same system. Everyone is going to have something different.You don’t have to follow anyone else’s system. But you can allow them to help guide you in creating your own.

Hit that damn button

Set a schedule for how often you’re going to publish. You have to hit the publish button or you’re not going to get anywhere. I like to publish daily. Some writers might post weekly.It will be best if you post at least once on a weekly basis. Any less than that and you risk not being relevant. Plan to post on the same days around the same time.Consistency is the ultimate mark of any kind of success. If you can’t be consistent, it is unlikely you will build anything of note.

Final thoughts

Systems are necessary for any good writer. They establish a schedule and consistency. They guide your writing habits.They are necessary if you want to be a successful writer.A system can make or break you.Have a good system and you set yourself up for success.Have a bad system, or no system at all, and you risk failure and inconsistency.Create a better writing system and you’ll be one step closer to going pro.


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