Time Stops for This Woman

The Daily Write

With great power comes great responsibility

Photo by Omkar Jadhav on Unsplash

June 3rd: You are a superhero for the day — what’s your power? What do you do?I wake up from bed, ready to tackle the day ahead.I go through the normal ropes of getting out of bed, using the bathroom, and eating breakfast. But on this day, I notice something strange. The clock.It stopped ticking.I blink and see the clock restart. Blink. Time stops.Power rushes through me.I gaze at myself in wonder of this new power. If I can start and stop time at will, what is there I can’t do?With all the time in the world at my fingertips, I’m free. Free from the temptress of death.Time, forever still.Then I realize. I may be moving, but the world around me is still. It’s frozen in place while I move on in my life.Time stopped, and so did the rest of the world. What is life without the constraints of time?There is no urgency.I use my time in solitude to ponder — and here’s what I came up with.

I struggle to decide what superpower I want. Being a hero is tough work. Some may even say it’s a burden.Sure, you may get some kickin’ superpowers, but you have great responsibility.With that, you have to consider what would do most good for the world.
With great power comes great responsibility.

No matter the power you choose, you have to accept the fact you now have an important role. And it’s up to you how you choose to use it.Truth is, you can have any super power you want and use it to do any number of good or bad things.What good can I do by stopping time?I can finally get around to completing all those craft projects I wanted to finish. I can learn that new skill that I’ve been dying to learn. I can roam the far corners of the Earth.Maybe I can stop crime before it happens. I can stop horrific accidents.Maybe I should have chosen to stop overthinking as a superpower.

Key Message: Time urges us to act. Choose your powers wisely and use them as a force for change.


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