7 Surprising Things You Can Do That Will Boost Your Mood

Get your hands dirty

Photo by Sandie Clarke on Unsplash

It’s been one of those days. One where everything seems to go wrong. You got stuck in traffic. You were late to work. You spilled coffee on your shirt.You’re in a right, foul mood.To top it off, your partner called you “grumpy” and now you feel even grumpier.But you don’t have to be grumpy and miserable all the time. There are things you can do to turn yourself around. You can make decisions that will have a positive impact on your wellbeing.Here are 7 things you can do to improve your mood.

1. Share yourself with others

It’s proven that when you give back, you feel good about yourself. Your altruistic tendencies make you feel all nice and happy.Volunteering means giving back to the community or others that need it. You can change someone’s life.Take some time every week to give back to a community of your choice. Spending that time out will be good for you and others.There’s a scene for everyone. You can volunteer at a homeless shelter, animal shelter, library, or elderly homes. There is no lack of ways you can give back.You can even choose solitary activities if it means you’re going to donate. But anytime you take to put others in front of your mind will help you feel better.

2. Take time for yourself

People don’t do self-care enough. People also misunderstand what self-care means. It doesn’t mean indulging in all your bad habits like watching Netflix. But it can, in moderation.Self-care means taking time to rejuvenate on a regular basis. And doing something that energizes and relaxes you. Something that helps recenter yourself in times of stress.For me, it’s listening to music, playing the piano, reading, and writing. For you, it may be different. Many people choose to exercise and eat healthily. Spend some time on your favorite form of exercise.For you, you may choose to go for a run, play video games, or draw. The point of self-care is to take yourself out of ‘work’ mode and allow yourself space to play.

3. Go on a friend date

People underestimate the importance of social connection. It’s one of the most important things we can do for ourselves.It helps aid against loneliness and depression. It connects you to the people you love and new people that can teach you something.There’s a friend you haven’t been in touch with for a while. See if they’re up for getting together. You don’t even have to go to lunch or spend money.You can run errands together or go to the park. But any time that you spend together, catching up, will increase your happy hormones.

4. Spend more time outside

If you’re finding yourself blue, try going out in the sun. Being outside is good for the soul, especially when you immerse yourself in nature.A natural place that isn’t manufactured (excluding parks). Find the one that brings you the most joy and go there.It may be the mountains, beach, lake, or forest. Spending that time in nature is a great way to reconnect with yourself and feel good.You could even go on a friend date to one of these locations. It would boost your happy hormones.

5. Get your hands dirty

Gardeners often refer to their gardens as “happy places” and now there may be scientific evidence to support that.Researchers have found a bacterium in soil that may be responsible for increasing serotonin and decreasing anxiety. The soil microbe, Mycobacterium vaccae acts similarly to an antidepressant.So, now is a perfect excuse to start your own home garden. You can get your hands dirty and have the benefit of a nice garden.

6. Contemplate your mortality

Mortality can be a scary thing to think about. It’s scary to think that one day, you’re going to die.The caveat of that is that it motivates you to make the best of your life. You will actively pursue things that make you happy. Thinking about death opens you up to unpleasant thoughts, but then you will search for happier ones.You’ll worry less about the little things because you’ll be more interested in making life count while you have it.

7. Participate in cultural activities

Engaging in cultural activities can also bear happiness. Activities such as going to a museum or a play enhance your sense of community.Human beings are social creatures. It makes sense that you would feel better with stronger communal ties.Get out in your community and try going to new events. There’s always something happening around. It opens you up to new experiences and people.

A wrap-up

A bad mood is a choice. You can stay in it all you want, but that means you’ll continue to feel bad. Get up and do something about it. You can improve your mood by:

  • Volunteering your time and energy
  • Take some time to take care of yourself
  • Go out with a friend and hang out
  • Get outside in nature
  • Get your hands dirty in the garden
  • Contemplate death
  • Participate in your community

So, turn that frown upside down and stop feeling glum. You can beat it.

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