Girl Meets World Teaches An Important Secret to Life
via Girl Meets World
An adult Cory Matthews stands at the front of the room. One of his students just asked him what’s the secret to life. He smiles knowingly.
Instead of responding, he gave his daughter’s class a math equation to figure out and then had them test it in real life. When the characters don’t get the right answer, they’re confused.
Farkle hangs his head in defeat. “is there a right answer?” Lucas asks.
After Lucas asks Cory if there is a right answer to the equation, he says yes, then says something that makes my jaw drop. In this episode he introduces one of the most important lessons you should know:
People change people.
It’s that simple, but also incredibly profound. It speaks to the nature of humans and how we all have a tendency to rub off on each other.
Humans are social creatures. Interacting with other people is a necessary part of being human. We rely on each other to teach us social cues. And we rely on each other to teach us period.
I’ve learned something from everyone I’ve ever met. You change as a human being based on your experiences. Largely from other people. Every person you’ve ever met in your life and will ever meet all have something that they know. Something they teach us. And we come away each time a little bit different.
It shows the power you have to influence others. You get to choose what kind of influence you make.
I started to pick writing up because I was inspired by
. It took only one person for me to start writing. Just one.
Think about all the people in your life and how they’ve changed you. All it takes is one person and you become an entirely new individual. People have an incredibly amount of power that they don’t realize (and maybe that’s for the best)
I had a best friend break up with me and it rocked my world. Changed the entire course of my life. All that from one person.
I met one doctor that changed my life. After all the doctors I had been through, it took just one to look at my case and give me a chance. She introduced me to another doctor that literally changed me and my brain structure.
You have an immense impact on those around you. Think of how you feel when other people are angry, happy, or sad. Their mood tends to rub off on you and affect your feelings. We are empathic creatures that influence each other.
Imagine how you affect others. You are the person who can change the world – person by person. When you choose to believe in someone or support them when nobody else would.
People change people. A lesson in how you can change someone else’s life. You could be the reason that someone chooses to live. You have such a large impact on the world and you don’t even know it.
All it takes is one person. Even if my writing gets through to just one person, I’ve made a difference. I made a difference in their life. You can do the same thing. And you do it just by existing and being you.
Whose life are you going to change today?