How to Live Your Level 10 Dream Life (Even When You Don’t Know Where to Start)

What does your dream life look like?

Have you ever dreamed of what it’s like to live your level 10 dream life? I have. 

I’ve dreamed of the perfect world where I get to travel, eat, write, and enjoy life as a profession.

You may wonder if it’s even possible to live your level 10 dream life. I’m not going to tell you it’s impossible, but it does take a lot of time and energy to get there. 

This guide will help you move in the right direction. 

Create Awareness

The first step to change is awareness. Becoming aware of where you are now and where you want to go. If you dream of a better future, clearly envision what that looks like.

You want to take stock of your life. There are five base sections of life and health: mental, physical, social, emotional, and financial. There may be more, but we will focus on these five.

You can do this however you want. List out each section as one of your five categories. 

image by author

Now, gauge where you are right now and how content you feel in each section. Fill in your circle or bar graph to where that lies on a scale of 1–10.

For example, I’ve been in a wonderful place mentally, so on my chart, I would fill my mental health all the way up to 10. But I don’t work out regularly and know I could benefit from moving more. I’d probably be more inclined to fill it up to 4. Do this for each section until you’ve evaluated your current situation.

Now, we have an idea of where we can work to benefit ourselves. You know which categories need work and which are okay.

Next, consider what your level 10 life looks like in each category. Make some notes next to your sections.

My level 10 physical health would look like this.

  • Running the full 5k

  • Able to do the splits

  • Walking for 1 hour every day

  • Eating fruits and veggies every day

You get the gist. You’ve written down what the dream looks like. Now it’s time to go and get it.

Take Action

The key to success is building small, consistent habits. You might feel excited. You might feel inclined to try everything at once. Don’t. It’s a recipe for failure.

Pick your weakest category or the one in which you see the most opportunity for growth. Chances are the smaller the category, the better off you’ll be by working on it.

Take a look at what your level 10 life looks like for that section. You’re going to pick one habit initially and slowly build your way up. The goal is to make a little progress every day.

You’re not going to feel like you’re making progress at first. It’s okay. Stick with it. Small efforts compound into big-time rewards. Today's small steps give you the extraordinary results you want tomorrow.

For me, I could start walking for 10 minutes a day. That’s all I’m going to commit to at first. You want to do this every day to build up the habit. Let’s say three weeks. It’s going to be slow going. Learn to accept that. The faster you can accept that, the faster you get results.

After three weeks of walking 10 minutes, I may have built it up to 30 minutes. At the very least, I’ve defined a habit. Now, we can do something called habit stacking.

Habit stacking means you stack habits on top of each other to create a routine.

You’re going to add a new habit. Let’s say you wanted to read more as part of your level 10 mental dream life.

Stack that with your previous habit by putting it before or after. In my routine, I chose to put reading in front of exercising. I read for about 30 minutes before I jump into exercising. This starts to stack my habits so I can sustainably keep them.

You want to keep your habits sustainable. If you drop one to pick up another, it’s not sustainable. This is the beauty of habit stacking.

Learn From Science

You’ve reached the fun part: experimentation.

Now that you’re taking consistent action, you can figure out what’s working, what isn’t, and what you’d like to change. For this, I like to employ the scientific method.

Question how your routine is going. How does it feel? What do you like? What would you do differently?

You have a data set to work from, so you don’t really need to research. Make a list of ideas you think you might enjoy. Or come up with something you think you’d like to change.

Experiment with it. Maybe you prefer to work out in the afternoon rather than in the morning. Maybe you prefer cooking the same breakfast daily or finding a physical location where you love reading.

Everything you do and try is a data point you can analyze. It may help to keep a journal where you can write it down and keep track. Look inward and answer some hard questions. How does this make you feel? What drains you that you want to change?

Be honest. This is about you finding your dream life.

Live the Dream

You’re doing the work, and it feels great. You feel like you’re making real progress. You feel better than you have in ages. That’s what happens when you take the time to work on yourself.

When you set time aside and work on your goals, you can live your level 10 dream life. It’s not out of reach. You only need to push yourself a bit further, and you can make it.

Shoot for the stars and dream big. Your dream life is waiting for you.

Ready to level yourself up and become the best version of yourself? Download my free journaling guide now.

Maggie Kelly is a freelance writer who writes about mental health, self-help, and psychology. Contact at


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