50+ Completely Random Headlines Practice 9/9/2022

Are they good? You tell me. 

Many writers follow a 10-headlines-a-day regimen where they develop new writing ideas. The practice is excellent at growing your creative process. And it teaches you how to write compelling headlines people want to read.

I’ve been coming up with 10 ideas a day since last year, but have fallen off the last few months. So, today, I challenged myself to write 50 variations of headlines. Are they good? Probably not. Will I use them? Also, probably not. 

But it’s a good challenge, especially when you feel stuck. And if I can do it, so can you. 

  • How to get back in your flow when you’ve lost it

  • What happens when you lose the flow of writing

  • You lost the flow: Now what?

  • How to get shit done

  • How to be more productive

  • These sneaky productivity hacks will make your life easier.

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  • How to write killer headlines every day

  • The trick I use to come up with killer headlines

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  • How to quickly bang out killer headlines on the fly

  • Why you should practice writing headlines every day

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  • The reason your writing isn’t getting any views

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