7 regrets I have at 27

photo by Panagiotis Maravelis on istockphoto.com

Old people tend to talk about all the regrets they have in life over things they did or didn’t do. It’s natural to have regrets, and it’s likely everyone has some, even if they wouldn’t change it. Regret is normal, and I know I have some regrets in life. Here’s are a few things I regret.

  1. I never learned how to dance
    In high school, I went to an arts academy and majored in dance. I would watch all the other serious dancers and be envious of how they effortlessly moved their bodies in ways I could not. I’ve always liked dance, I just never really learned how to.
  2. Leaving college
    Following a major depressive episode, I took a semester off from university and came home. While it was the right choice, I wish I had gone back or transferred to a different college rather than finishing school close to home. That was always something I wanted to avoid in high school, and yet it ended up happening. I would do things differently.
  3. I didn’t get to study abroad
    Traveling across countries far and wide is a dream, I think, many of us have. There is something special about immersing yourself in different cultures and gaining valuable life experience. Despite wanting to, I didn’t take a semester abroad. Part of it was that I wasn’t encouraged to, the other part was that I didn’t want to rock the boat.
  4. I never learned a second language
    Being bilingual is a valuable skill that I never quite got. Most of the world encourages their young ones to learn second, and even third, languages. It’s American culture that doesn’t. I briefly studied French but never spent enough time on it to master it.
  5. I didn’t date in school
    This is a tough one. On one hand, I was more focused on academics (HA!) but the truth is I didn’t know how to put myself out there. I would have dated had it been more available, but I was quiet and introverted, and I chose to stay at home rather than go out.
  6. I didn’t major in something I wanted
    Psychology was a great degree to have. I learned a lot about human behavior, but I never wanted to major in psychology. It ended up being the quickest way for me to get out of school, but I would have chosen something different. I would have majored in something artistic, but my parents wanted me to get a degree in something more valuable. Still, I had other interests I could have pursued instead.
  7. Leaving LA
    In 2019, I decided to pick up my things and move across the country to LA. I was there for six glorious months. I struggled while I was there, but I look back on that time with extreme fondness. I never meant to come back home, it just kinda happened. I always intended to go back, but I didn’t.

Final Thoughts

Interestingly enough, most of my regrets revolve around things I didn’t do. Things that I wanted to do, just never did. There is good news though. I can still do them. I’m young and have a (hopefully) long life ahead of me. There’s time to explore and experience all I want.

I can still learn to dance, learn a second language, and travel abroad. It may not have been in the way I intended, but I can still do them. I have plenty of mistakes to make ahead of me. It’s going to be messy and it’s going to be awesome.

I don’t want to end up at 80, regretting the things I didn’t do in life. I can take the time I have and make the most of it. I simply have to decide how I want to live my life. I choose to take back control of my life and am excited to see what’s on the road ahead of me.

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