Once You Stop Doing This, You Become an Unstoppable Force of Nature

Photo by aboodi vesakaran on Unsplash

My work gets on my nerves. Like anybody else, it’s not the perfect job but I put up with it.There are some parts I actively dislike and I make it a point to let people know. But recently I decided to try something different.One of my coworkers is upbeat and perky, and I vowed to not complain to her. I even vowed not to complain to anyone and keep it to myself.What I found was interesting.I found that the less I complained, the faster I got things done. When I didn’t spend time griping about my work, I got it done quickly and efficiently.It’s amazing what can happen when you stop complaining.In addition, I found that I didn’t hate it as much as I thought. It’s still tedious work, but I’m able to find beauty in the monotony.When I stopped complaining about everything, I did better in my work and I had a better attitude. Who knew?I challenge you to do the same and see what happens.


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