The Dangers of Growing Out of Your Comfort Zone

Photo by Lopez Robin on Unsplash

There’s a line between stretching your limits. It lies right between growth and hurting yourself.You never want to go so far as to harm yourself, but sometimes we don’t know our limits or we push them too far.When I first started running, I was eager. I ran fast and far to increase my mileage. It felt good — that is until I got shin splints.All it can take is a split second to cross the line.While it’s great to challenge your comfort zone, it’s never worth getting hurt.Ironically, that’s the whole point of growth. You want to challenge yourself, and you risk getting hurt because that’s what it means to grow.This is where it comes in handy to get in tune and listen to your body.The more you do it the better you will get at it.At first, try to get a sense of what you’re feeling.The clues might be minuscule at first. Pay attention because they’re trying to tell you something.You wouldn’t go out at midnight in the seedy parts of town. The hair on the back of your neck stands up and something happens to feel off. Listen to that and honor it.Back off when it’s necessary.You don’t want to hurt yourself.


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