You Need to Do This One Thing if You Want a Successful Writing Career

The harsh truth about your writing

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

You love writing.It’s been something you’ve done for as long as you remember. It’s something you can always turn to in your times of need. It offers you peace and solace in a chaotic world.But other people don’t seem to love it as much.No matter how much you write, you can’t seem to get your audience’s attention. There’s something wrong with your writing. Your writing isn’t good enough.Discouraged, you wonder if it’s worth continuing on.The truth is that it has nothing to do with how good your writing is and everything to do with how much you offer.When you’re writing, you can’t publish just anything on the internet. You can, but that doesn’t mean people are going to want to read it.There is no free writing for fun. You can do that for yourself, but if you’re aiming to make a career out of this, you have to be providing value for your audience.Your writing always has to have a purpose. Even if it’s something simple, like entertainment.Nobody wants to read a random stranger’s thoughts on the internet. They don’t want to hear about your day. That’s the harsh truth.They want your help and expertise. They want you to give them something.You have to give readers what they want: value.If you can’t deliver, then you’re never going to make it as a writer.


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