The Secret I’m Not Supposed to Admit: I’m…

Green isn’t a pretty color on you.

Photo by Daniel Fazio on Unsplash

The notification bell goes off on your computer.Your favorite author posted a new article and you gobble it up in fascination. You think about how it must feel to be them being a successful writer. What it must feel like to get to do what you love and make a living.Then, an unwelcome feeling sets in.It claws its’ way to the forefront, leaving you annoyed and…Jealous.You know you shouldn’t feel this way. Everyone tells you not to compare yourself to other writers, especially as a beginner.But you can’t help but feel like your writing is trash and you’ll never be good enough. It’s a nagging fear in the back of your head.You can’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.When they’ve already spent so much time on it and you’re beginning, it makes sense that you’re not going to be further along.But that doesn’t change the fact.You wish you were like them. After all, that’s the dream. Being able to write full time and having time freedom.You wish you could cut out all the middle ground and get there already. The harsh reality sets in — this is what it means to work hard.You have to put in the time and effort. There is no cutting out the middle ground. It’s a necessary part of the journey. Without it, you can’t get to the end. You won’t be successful unless you put in the work.The best thing you can do with this is channel it into your own work.Focus on what you do have the power to control.Block out the voices and distractions. Put your head down and work. That’s all you can do.

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