What to Do When You Feel Stuck Writing

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

The blank screen taunts you.It stares at you haughtily, laughing that you aren’t getting anywhere. It’s bad enough that you aren’t getting anywhere with your writing without feeling like you aren’t getting anywhere in life.You’d rather suppress your emotions back down and get to work, but nothing is coming to mind.You let out a scream of frustration. UGH!Why is this so hard to do? What are you supposed to write about? Why can’t you come up with anything?We’ve all had to deal with bouts of writer’s block. Some may say writer’s block doesn’t exist, but there are absolutely times when writing is harder than others.Instead of stressing over something to write about and mining your head for something, take a break.STOP WRITING.If you’re feeling that stuck, it’s likely you need a break.It’s easy to go full steam ahead and think you can always be in writing mode.There are times when we overdo it and our brain is telling us to take a break. We don’t listen to it, but we need to.If you’re struggling to write, take a break and go do something else. Anything else — nothing related to writing.Getting the space away will help clear your head and reboot your creative juices.Before you know it, your creative juices will be flowing again, letting all the ideas pour in.But you need to take a break and get time away. You can’t be in ‘on’ mode all the time, and if you’re constantly creating, you’re going to feel tired.The best thing you can do is take some time off and allow yourself time and space to rejuvenate.


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