If You Rely on Motivation, You’re Losing at Life

Photo by Jack Hamilton on Unsplash

You’re uninspired. It’s too hard, you don’t want to do this. When you’re unmotivated, you feel lazy and bad about yourself. It’s hard to not feel like a failure.Your brain is running on fumes and you’re not sure why you ever thought you could do this.Motivation failed you, yet again.

Flightier than your last girlfriend

Motivation is notoriously unreliable. It comes and goes as it pleases, and often leaves you high and dry.You start a project excited about all the possibilities and then you lose steam. The motivation isn’t there to keep going, so you stop.When you rely on motivation, you’re prone to not follow through. Your reliance on motivation will leave you empty-handed.Instead, turn your attention toward discipline.

New and improved

Discipline always shows up for you. Discipline holds you accountable. Discipline will make you better at whatever you do.If you can learn discipline, then you can do anything.You no longer have to worry about whether or not you’ll show up.

Removing the hard part of the equation

Chances are if you’re disciplined, you have a routine you stick to.Your routine lays out all the nitty-gritty details of your day. It tells you when and where to be and what you’ll be doing.When you have a set schedule like this, it removes decision-making from the process.The decision-making is often what is your downfall. You’re trying to decide what you want to do, which wastes time.Instead of wasting that time, discipline and routines help you get straight to the point.When you remove the decision, it’s easier to stay disciplined.

Final thoughts

Discipline is far more reliable than motivation. You start to feel strong and confident rather than weak and lazy.You’re more clear-headed and you develop your own process.With discipline, you always show up to the mat. You no longer have to worry about feeling motivated or uninspired. Now, you make it come to you.There is more power in discipline than there is in motivation.Get disciplined and you’ll accomplish more than ever.


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