How to Become Great Instead of Good

Photo by Keila Hötzel on Unsplash

You just put on the finishing touches and you can’t help but feel disappointed.You put all this work into your product, sculpting it in your image, and it let you down. It’s nowhere near what you thought it would be.You dreamt that this was going to be perfect. But it’s not.It falls flat.You’re going to produce a lot of work in your career. Of course, you want it to be good. The reality is not everything is going to be good.Most of it is going to be mediocre, and that’s okay.

Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come. — Dwayne Johnson

When I’m writing, it’s hard to not get disappointed. I have this idea in my head of how it will turn out, but it never turns out the way I expect.I write beautiful and elegant prose in my head, but when I get to the computer it comes out like vomit.The reality is that’s how you become great. Because you continue to iterate and learn.You continue to show up and put in the work. And every time, you get better


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