You Are Much Braver Than You Think You Are

Photo by Muzammil Soorma on Unsplash

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It was the night before the last day of 8th grade. My best friend and I made a list of baller things to do on the last day of school. After all, it was the last day of middle school before we embraced the new world of high school.But there was one thing on my list that wasn’t on hers. Tell my crush I liked him.I wrote a note saying, “I like you. There, I said it.”On the last day, our class was going to lunch and we got to the cafeteria. Everyone was getting their final meals and I thought this was a perfect time. I summoned all my courage and walked straight up to him, getting his attention.I handed him the note and walked right away.I sat with my best friend, with my back turned to him, and she kept whispering to me, “He’s looking at you.” I was high on adrenaline.
I was always much braver than I gave myself credit for.I like to remember that when I’m scared. That I had enough balls to tell my crush I liked him, while most of my peers crushed in the dark. I had the audacity to put myself on the line.We’re capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. Often, we’re way braver than we think we are.It’s all about what we’re willing to risk and what our limits are. You’ll never know your limits until you take risks. And you can never stretch your limits if you don’t know what they are.Taking risks is part of life. The best things in life come from taking a chance.You are brave. You’ve got this. You can do so much more. You can do whatever you want. Take a deep breath and jump.


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