Don’t Let Your Differences Get in the Way of Building Outstanding Relationships

It’s been almost twenty years since we last saw each other.

Photo by Chayene Rafaela on Unsplash

The last time we saw each other was when my family’s car was driving away. She stood on the sidewalk with the rest of our neighbors, all waving goodbye.19 years later and out of the blue, she messaged me on Facebook.Said she was living nearby and was wondering what I was up to in life. As it turns out, I had a road trip coming up that put me through her city.So, we scheduled a lunch together.Initially, I worried it would be awkward. I would struggle to find my footing, not knowing what to talk about.We met in a little café near her work and we caught up and chatted about old times.

I grew up in a religious area. I went to a private Christian school. All of my friends grew up that way and were raised that way.I wasn’t raised with religion on the mind.Despite that, my family made wonderful friends there.Our best friends came out of it.Contrasting as someone who identifies as an atheist, that doesn’t mean that I can’t love them or be friends with them.
In today’s age, we’ve come to have a hard time with people we disagree with.You think that you should only be friends with people who have the same belief and value systems.But that’s a bad way to live. If you live your life based only on people you get along with, you’ll never be challenged.You won’t grow.
Photo by Matheus Viana on Unsplash

It’s okay to disagree with people. It’s okay to have different opinions. Granted, it’s not okay if those beliefs infringe on others’ rights.I’m not endorsing any kind of discrimination. But too often we let our political, religious, or other beliefs get in the way of making relationships with others.Sometimes we use different environments or upbringings for excuses why we don’t get along with each other.Some of those people might bring out the best in you.Take the chance today and spark a conversation with someone new. Talk to someone you don’t think you would get along with. Try talking with someone different.You never know what will happen


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