7 Quick and Easy Writing Ideas for Days You Struggle to Write

Photo by Dstudio Bcn on Unsplash

Writing shouldn’t be this hard.But no matter what you do, you can’t seem to write anything. Nothing is coming to your brain and you’re giving yourself a headache. Your brainpower is diminishing by the second.It’s like walking through a fugue state.It’s not that your writing is garbage or that your ideas are bad. You’re having an off day. It happens.Sometimes you still want to produce on off days. It may not be the level of quality you want, but you can still make something.Here’s a list of seven easy things you can write about when you’re struggling.

Make a list of anything

List out different things you like doing, a list of favorite books, sites, or tv shows, or even come up with a list of ideas.

Compile a list of quotes

The work is already done for you. You just have to put it together.

Try a random prompt generator

Prompt generators are easy and fun to answer. Maybe it’s a simple question or a creative challenge.

Summarize a long-form piece of content

Summarize a book or article you read recently. Don’t forget to link to the original source.

Come up with as many absurd ideas as possible

Take off the pressure and let loose. Be crazy.

Review a recent TV show or movie you watched

Chances are you watch Netflix and you have an opinion. Use it to your advantage.

Look at one of your recent pictures and tell a story about it

A picture is worth a thousand words. Every picture is a chance to tell a story.

You’re always going to have off days. They happen. It’s up to you whether to write.Heck, I’m having an off day today. I decided to make a list.Despite feeling stuck, there are still ways out of it. It might take a little creativity on your end, but it’s there.There will always be something to write about. Don’t let the blues get you down because they don’t last forever.There’s something you can pull out of your back pocket.Hope is not lost. You will live to write again.


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