The Tenacity of One Cat Teaches Us a Lesson in Never Giving Up

my cat, Yeti, rudely interrupts me while I work

I was lying in bed when I heard it.

The familiar ft-ft-fting of my cat pawing against the door trying to get in. Tired, I sighed into my pillow and ignored it, hoping she would go away. I had the doors closed to keep the dogs in, but it also kept the cat out.

Nevertheless, she persisted.

I kept hearing the doors creak as she pressed against them, tossing her paws around the frame.

She did it for hours. I kept hoping she would give up, but I kept hearing her, persistent to get her foot in the door.

And eventually, she did.

She managed to force the doors open all of her own volition.

As annoyed as I was, I was also impressed.

When you really want something, you go after it. You don’t give up. You keep trying.

My cat is more determined than most people.

She always gets what she wants. She will insist until you cave. She doesn’t back down. She knows what she wants and she doesn’t stop until she gets it.

We can all learn a lesson from that.

Be persistent like my cat, heinously trying to claw her way into the bedroom at midnight.

Keep going after what you want. Stay focused on your pursuits and refuse to give up.

Eventually, something will give.

Eventually, the barriers will dissolve.

Eventually, you will get what you want.

Keep trying until you break down those doors.


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