Voices are Telling Me to Do Bad Things

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

It’s like a chant running on repeat in the back of my mind. No matter where I go, it follows me around.Take a chance on me.I keep thinking of Mamma Mia. Particularly the Take a Chance on Me number. Rosie is singing it because she’s wooing a guy.But in my mind, it’s a gentle reminder that I haven’t been working towards my goals.It’s telling me to leap. Take a chance.Take a risk.You’re holding yourself back from greatness, and you know it. You know that you could be doing more.You keep wondering what would happen if you truly committed to yourself. What would happen if you followed your dreams?You worry that you’ll fail spectacularly and fall on your face.But why does it matter if you don’t try?You have a zero percent chance of success by doing nothing. At least if you do something, you increase your odds.Chances are if you put in the work you will make some kind of progress.And the truth is you’re scared. It means letting go of preconceived notions about yourself. It means opening up yourself to a new world.Why not you? Take a chance.


About Me — Maggie Kelly


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