You Can Do Everything Right, and Still Not Be as Successful as Someone Else

Photo by Kareya Saleh on Unsplash

I feel like I’m doing something wrong.I look at other writers. See their followers and engagement. They’ve only been on the platform a few months. Not going to lie, I’m jealous. I’ve been doing this for 7 months now, and my results are slow.I know I shouldn’t be comparing, yet I feel behind.I’ve invested in several courses. I write every day, I publish almost every day, I tweet 3–5 times daily, and I’ve been working on my headlines ferociously.And yet, still nothing. I don’t think it’s my content. I’m in a similar niche to others, but my writing hasn’t taken off in the same way.My articles aren’t bad. Maybe I should have more faith in my work. I don’t know.There’s no solid reason why some grow faster than others.One thing is for sure.If you’re willing to put in the effort and work, your odds multiply. But most people get discouraged and give up.I’m not going to be one of those people. As much as I feel unsatisfied, I’m determined to keep going.Success may not be soon, but I’ll be damned if I don’t try.

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