The Liberation of Not Giving a Flying F*ck

Nobody cares and neither should you

Photo by Brandi Alexandra on Unsplash

You lie in bed, wrapped up in a burrito blanket.You think nobody cares and that depresses you. You think you’re unlovable. You think you’re a burden on the earth.And you’re right. Nobody cares.They don’t care what you do or what you’re thinking about. They only care about themselves. They care how you impact their life.You do too. That’s why you care what people think of you.

What You Really Want

You want to be accepted into the pack. You want validation. But getting validation from strangers isn’t going to fulfill you.You put stakes in what other people think about you, without thinking about how you feel about yourself.Chances are you don’t feel great about yourself. It’s because you’re placing your worth in other people’s hands.You can change that.

Reframe Your Perspective

Maybe nobody cares about you and that consumes you.You’re so preoccupied with yourself and what people think of you that you’re wasting your precious time and energy.You can spend your time sad about it or you can find freedom in it.Having nobody care is a good thing.It means you’re free to pursue the things most important to you.You can work on your own things and get ahead in life.

Don’t Care

The true gift is when you learn to not care about other people.When you don’t care about other people’s opinions, it’s liberating.You learn to do things because you want to. You learn what you like and don’t like. You’re no longer trapped in a prison of your own making.You don’t have to listen to others.You can be respectful of others, but still do what’s right for you.You’ll know yourself much better.

Final Thoughts

The truth is nobody cares about you. But if you’re being honest, you don’t care about them either.The only thing people care about is their own life.Instead of caring about others’ opinions, care more about how you feel about yourself.Allow that to guide you into making better choices.Accept that nobody gives a rat’s behind.Choose a better future. Choose you.


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