Learn to Stop Self-Sabotaging and Take Back Control of Your Life

Self-awareness is the key

Photo by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash

In the past, I’ve engaged in various destructive behaviors.I binge-watched TV while I binge ate, only to cry myself to sleep. I self-isolated and let my depression take hold of me. It was, and is, a sickness.These are my self-destructive behaviors. I stop taking care of myself and let life slip by me, apathetic to reality.I went through major life changes in the past couple of years. I’ve come out on the other side of it a stronger person.And as that person, I don’t want to slip back into old behaviors just because they’re comfortable.Unfortunately, sometimes life gets the best of us.It’s easy to fall back into familiar patterns.You have to be self-aware enough to recognize them, and strong enough to grow beyond them.I’m not always strong.Heck, I’m human. I was born to make mistakes.Despite that, I have the opportunity to make better decisions for myself every day.All you can ever hope for is that each day is better than the last.You’re going to slip up sometimes.Recognize it as the momentary setback that it is. And try to do better tomorrow.


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