Your Life Satisfaction Will Soar if You Slow Down and Smell The Roses

It’s the little things that matter

Photo by Uriel on Unsplash

Washington, D.C. March 2018.I walked through a crosswalk and happened to glance down. Two twenty-dollar bills were crumpled up on the ground. I thought huh and barreled along.I didn’t stop for a second to think about picking it up.I was too wrapped up in my own head and where I was going.

Constantly in Action

Newton’s first law of motion states that any object in motion will stay in motion unless an outside force acts on it. Inversely, any object at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an outside force.I deal mostly in extremes. Once I’m in motion, I stay in motion. Either I go full force ahead and can’t be stopped for anything, or I’m too comfortable and can’t be bothered to move.

Western’s Hustle Culture

When I was living in LA, there was a constant bustle. It happens in every city. They’re alive with energy, and so are the people.In today’s world, everyone is so busy all the time, particularly in the Western world.Hustle culture is constantly promoted and those who don’t participate are shamed.It’s all about ‘the grind’ and how successful you are. That means being in motion from the start to the end of the day. Even sleep becomes a status symbol for successful people.It’s an ‘eat or be eaten’ kind of mentality.You’re expected to work constantly at something. Whether it’s your job, side hustle, or fitness. Something always has to be going on.

Smell the Roses

Yes, life happens fast, which is why it’s important to slow down. Ever heard the phrase stop and smell the roses?It’s true. You get too caught up in what you’re doing that you don’t stop. When you stop, you’re given an opportunity.When you stop, you can appreciate the little moments. You pay more attention to what’s going on around you.You don’t have to be going fast all the time. It’s good to learn to slow down.I get so caught up in my inside world that I forget about the world. But in moments of stillness, you find peace.

It’s the Little Things

As it turns out, our happiness doesn’t come from big events. It’s about the minutiae details in your everyday life.Having that first sip of coffee. Listening to your favorite song. Spending time with your best friend.You don’t always appreciate these moments. But these are the ones that matter the most.If happiness is what you’re looking for, slow down and appreciate those moments while you have them. Because they won’t last forever.

Final Thoughts

If you don’t slow down and stop every once in a while, you miss out on things.You’re so busy going on autopilot that the world around you ceases to exist.You miss out on the little moments in life. Those are the ones that count the most.Getting ahead of the game isn’t worth missing out on the little details and experiences that life has to offer.Life happens fast. If you don’t slow down, you just might miss it.


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