Get More Work Done and Stay Focused by Blocking Your Internet

This app will block your Internet so you have no choice but to work

Photo by visuals on Unsplash

How often do you sit down to write and end up getting distracted?You get carried away watching Youtube or TikTok, or you start aimlessly scrolling through Instagram. All that time you were going to write has gone to waste.There’s an easy solution for this.Block your internet.When you can’t get on the internet, you can’t distract yourself. You’re forced into working.My favorite app for this is called SelfControl.Downloading an extension isn’t as effective because it only works on the browser, and you can normally circumvent it.But with SelfControl, it completely limits your access to the internet across all browsers. No exceptions.You can set a block or allow list, and set a timer for how long.There’s no way around the timer — not even turning your computer off. You’re stuck until the timer goes off.You can download the Mac version for free here, and Cold Turkey is a viable substitute for Windows and Mac.Now you can throw away your excuses and get to work.[embed][/embed]Join my free weekly newsletter where I send you stories and advice about personal development and mental health


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