Amazement is the Key to Unlocking the Door of Greatness

The Daily Write

Learning is a lifelong skill

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

June 9th: Someone is amazed! “Wow, how did you do that?!” What did you do?

When I was in high school, I went to a magnet school. There were seven majors across the arts and sciences.I was constantly surrounded by people who were brilliant and talented.One day in dance class, I watched one of the girls practicing her dance routine.She did a move where she rolled over her shoulder and onto her stomach, her legs moving like a mermaid. It was called a fish flop or a fish roll.I gazed at her in amazement. “Wow! How did you do that?”So, she taught me the fundamentals of the move and I learned how to do a fish flop.
I watched as my peers coded entire websites and apps.Watching them code was like living in a foreign land. It was all tech and science, spoken in their core language. I was lost.As one of their sites went live, I gaped. “Wow! How did you do that?”He pointed out different elements on the site and gave me a basic lesson in coding.
Writing giants like Tim Denning and Ayodeji Awosika fascinate me. Their journeys are inspiring to watch. You can learn so much from them.I’m in awe of all they have accomplished.They have huge libraries of work and inspire millions. And they started out just like me. I wonder to myself, “How did they do that?”So, I took their classes and analyzed their work. I implemented the lessons and hope that I can even be half as influential as they are.
Every time someone does something fascinating, it’s hard to not want to be like them.You want to be as talented and revered. How do you get there?You learn from the best. You ask them how they did it, take their courses, and improve your skillsets.As you continue your studies, you pass it on to the next generation.“Wow! How did you do that?” They will ask you. They’ll be at the start of their journey, like you once were. And you get the satisfaction to teach them and watch them grow.People now ask you for your mastery and insights. Something that was once so foreign to you, you now know like the back of your hand.You get to pass those skills on.
Key Message: Be brave enough to ask those questions and you will be a lifelong learner. You will always be growing and you will fascinate those around you.



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