I Want to Connect With You

The Daily Write

It’s a new national holiday!

QPhoto by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

June 10th: You have been selected to create the next national holiday. What is it?There are no limits when it comes to creating a national holiday.Today there are holidays for just about anything you can think of. I tried thinking of something that the world needed more of. Random acts of kindness? Relaxation? Less internet?All are viable candidates, written about by my peers. But I decided to set my focus elsewhere. Ever since I watched this Ted talk, I’ve been geared up and thinking about how I can make more connections with people.It’s hard making new friends, especially as an adult. It seems much harder than it should be.Allow me to introduce — National Talk to a Stranger Day!On National Talk to a Stranger Day, you reach out a welcoming hand and meet others.In a world so driven by the internet, people feel more disconnected and lonely than ever before. It’s no wonder why people struggle with mental health issues.Having strong social ties improves your health and wellbeing. Talking to strangers is the only way to make friends and new connections. After all, everyone in your life was a stranger to you at some point.By initiating conversations with those you don’t know, you open up a door to a new world.People are amazing. Everybody has a unique life story, and you can learn something new from everyone.Most people will be friendly and receptive.It’s a great way to learn and deepen your life experience. Life is much richer when you have someone to share it with.

Key Message: Talk to a stranger today and learn about life. Everybody has a story to share that’s worth hearing.


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