Perfection is A Myth — Stop Trying to Be Perfect

photo by QuinceCreative on Pixabay

What is perfect?

According to Google, it is being as good as one can possibly be or making something free from defects.

According to the idea of ‘perfect,’ there is no room to make mistakes or room for growth.

To be perfect is to be flawless. To be flawless is to be void of any defects. In human life, that’s just not possible.

Per definition, there could be no one ‘perfect’ experience because everybody’s idea of perfect is different. Perfection is a subjective experience, not an objective one.

Perfection doesn’t exist. It can’t. You can get closer and closer to it, but you’ll never actually get there.

People are flawed creatures. There is no perfect human because we’re all bound to make mistakes at one point. That’s what makes us human. That we are inherently flawed. You are inherently flawed.

People aren’t meant to be perfect. Were everyone perfect, I would bet it would be a pretty boring experience. People wouldn’t have the quirks or ticks that make them individual. What makes people interesting is their flaws and the things that make them different.

People would walk around like mindless robots, living in a society where nobody broke the rules. But rules are meant to be broken and life is meant to be messy.

Life isn’t going to be perfect and why should it be? In order for you to grow, you have to go through adversity. Adversity is what makes us stronger. Messiness makes us human.

You’re bound to make mistakes. Remember it’s not just you. Your friends and family make mistakes too.

People often don’t discuss the hardships in life — I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s too painful, but it’s important to remember.

Every person has hardships. Every person makes mistakes. Stop trying to be perfect.

It’s okay to want to grow and better yourself. Self-improvement can be a wonderful thing, but you have to be careful. You have to know it’s an infinite process and you will always be making progress.

When you chase perfection, you’re bound to live a life of unhappiness. You’re saying that things aren’t okay the way they are. Life isn’t a test. There are no right or wrong answers.

You’re a beautiful mess and that’s what makes life worth living.

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