Never Have I Ever Conformed to Peer Pressure

The Daily Write

The greatest form of contentment is being comfortable by yourself

Photo by Tim Bogdanov on Unsplash

June 12th: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done because of peer pressure?

When I was young, my sister and I would visit our granny’s farm every summer.At the time it was wonderful. There were at least a dozen of us. All my cousins lived on the farm, so I had the great opportunity to spend time together while growing up.One of my cousins took a liking to my sister. My sister was the older one and always charming.One day, we all got together at my great uncle’s house. His house was fantastic. They had a pool in the backyard and a basement with a pool table. Oftentimes, the three of us would go downstairs and shoot pool.My cousin and sister were having a grand old time. I was not. They kept playing together and excluding me. They decided they wanted to do something different. I don’t even remember what it was, but I had no interest in doing it.So, I walked back to my granny’s all by myself.

I’ve never been one for peer pressure. I never really cared what other people were doing. While all of my classmates were getting iPhones, I stuck to my Motorola razor.They watched Game of Thrones and Stranger Things. I watched Chuck and H20.I’ve always wanted to fit in. And it was a huge source of contention for me. We were all insecure teenagers and wanted to be liked. But I kept quiet and to myself.I proudly labeled myself as Miss Nonconformist in high school. I took pride in the fact that I didn’t follow the herd. Granted I was largely unpopular and very much alone. But I’ve always been one to do my own thing. And I’m okay with that.
Key Message: If you’re comfortable with yourself and don’t care so much about validation, then you can make great strides by yourself.


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