Why You Should Leave the Safety of Your Comfort Zone

The Daily Write

The only way to get out of your comfort zone is by challenging yourself

Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash

I was living at home with my mom.Every day was the same. I got up, ate breakfast, read, and watched YouTube videos all day until I went to sleep to start it all over the next day.I was wallowing in the depths of depression. I was frustrated and lost. I feared that I would be stuck there forever, both physically and mentally.It’s always been my fear to live in my childhood home well into adulthood. I felt I should be out there in the world. Doing things, experiencing things.In an act of spontaneity, I took a shot of courage and did something I was scared of doing.I bought a one-way ticket to Los Angeles. This was it. My big leap of courage was pushing me out into the world. After feeling lost and depressed for a long time, I felt excited about starting my new life.But when I got there, things didn’t change in the way I expected. I was still alone and isolated. I wasn’t in great health. I didn’t get out much.That summer I sublet in WeHo. It was hell on earth. For one, my depression was in full swing. Second, there were roaches in the kitchen. They would scurry about whenever I was cooking or feeding the cat. It was an absolute nightmare.After being there for 6 months, I came back home. I was disappointed with how things turned out. I thought I would do more. I thought I would stay. But I didn’t.And yet, looking back, I’m insanely proud of myself for what I did.Not many people have the balls to randomly upend their life and move across the country. But I did.It took a lot of guts on my part. I had to push myself out of my comfort zone. I had to do things for myself. Doing that changed me.I learned to be more assertive. I learned about traveling. I learned about new people and places.Despite the fact that I wasn’t having a good time then, I look back on it fondly.You grow the most when you experience pain and challenges like that. But it’s so worth it. You can turn into a whole new person.Challenging yourself is a good thing. You’ll look back on it with fondness, thinking about how you got through it. You’ll feel proud that you got through it.

Key Message: When you push yourself out of your comfort zone, you grow. You will look back and be proud of yourself.

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