A Best-Selling Author’s Dream Come True

The Daily Write

A fantasy worth dreaming about

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

June 14th: Do you want to write a book? If yes, what’s it going to be about? If no, why not?Spring 2008Weird things kept happening at school.The fountains randomly turned on when there’s nobody around. The school computers were always glitching. And sometimes you would hear things when there’s nothing around.I talked to Christina about it and she theorized we had a ghost. A ghost? Our middle school has a ghost. All of our friends got on board and contemplated our friendly ghost. And its name was Jamie.We decided on a gender-neutral name because we didn’t know if it was a boy or a girl. Jamie continued to haunt our little school.

I started writing about our tales. I had hundreds of ideas that I kept in a notebook for reference. I had my friends and family rank them on interest and got to work writing.I poured over my notebooks retelling them as novels. I only got a few chapters in before they disappeared into the background.November 2019For the first time in my life, I challenged myself to do something daunting. Participate in NaNoWriMo and write a 50k word novel.I had no clue what to write about, so I flew by the seat of my pants and made it all up as I went along.I thought I would never finish it. I feared it would get too hard and I would give it up.I ended up writing about a 16-year-old girl who finds out she was adopted. She goes on a road trip with her best friend to discover where she comes from and who she is.I completed the book. It was awful. Looking back on it makes me embarrassed. But I did it.October 2021I decided to pick up writing again. This time around I was writing articles instead of books.The more I did it, the more it reignited my passion for writing. Writing felt good for my soul. It filled a hole I didn’t even know was there.I loved getting the ideas out of my head and turning them into something.May 2022200+ articles later, I started missing my novels.They’re two different formats, but I loved them both. I kept thinking about the books I was writing in middle school.A lot of fantasy and young love.I could write as many articles as I wanted, but creative writing held a special place in my heart.I thought about our ghost, Jamie, and the fun I had writing the book. There was something so fulfilling about writing a novel that others could read and love as much as I did.I made a decision that will change my life.PresentAfter years of toying with creative writing, I want to get back into it. I have always wanted to write and publish a novel.So, I’m going to be writing in NaNoWriMo this year. I’m picking my ghost story back up and doing a total revamp. It’ll be different than how it started, but I’m excited about it.I’m already brainstorming and getting ready for it.If one thing is for sure, I’m definitely going to plan my book instead of making it up on the spot.
Key Message: You can do whatever you put your mind to.

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