Imagine How Your Life Will Change in 5 Years

The Daily Write

Back to the future letter-writing style

Image by Dave Tavres from Pixabay

June 16th: Write a letter to give to yourself 5 years from now.

It’s 2027 and you’re 33 years old now. How fitting as three is our lucky number. I’m guessing year 33 will be full of adventures. I can’t even imagine how different your life looks.

I’m pretty happy now, and I hope you don’t lose that.

As the 28-year-old you, I’m so proud of you. You put in the sweat, blood, and hard work and you’re going to be so proud of yourself.

I’m so proud of the progress I’ve made now, so I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in 5 years. Maybe best-selling author? I like to dream anyway. I hope that doesn’t change.

I keep thinking about how my life can be different in 1, 3, and 5 years. As the saying goes,

“People tend to overestimate what can be done in one year and to underestimate what can be done in five or ten years.”

I’m reflecting on how I live my life now and how I want it to be. I have high hopes for what I can change to better you.

After all the crap you’ve had to go through, you made it out on the other side. Yeah, there are some scrapes and bruises but they’ll heal. You’ll be left with scars that tell the story of your life.

I hope you’re content in life. You don’t stop living just because you’re 33. You have so much ahead of you to look forward to. I hope you never lose your sense of humor. I’m already laughing at myself.

It’s weird to think at one point you weren’t sure if you were going to make it here. I’m so glad you did.

You did it. You did this. You made it.

Key Message: Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Look how different you are from five years ago.

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