How Women Can Go From Insecure Seeds to Blooming Confident Flowers

5 tips for growing into the best version of you

Photo by Bilal Gümüş on Unsplash

You’re overcome by low self-esteem and insecurities.You peer at your reflection in the mirror, afraid of what you might find. As you look at your reflection, you start picking out every flaw in sight.There’s acne all over your face. Your nose is too big. You have too much belly fat. You’re lanky. There’s not a single positive thing you can find about yourself.It’s enough to make you want to go hide in your closet and cry.Instead of hiding, you can bloom into your confidence by following these 5 tips.

1. Body language

Body language is a huge part of confidence. Have you ever seen a confident person slouched over, with their arms crossed and gazing down? No?That’s because they’re using their body to project confidence. You don’t even have to be confident to do this, but changing your posture can change how you’re perceived.There’s a certain posture that confident people exude. They stand tall with their head high. Their shoulders back and eyes are straight ahead. When you make eye contact with other people, it sends the signal that you are confident.

Power poses

Even when you feel small and insecure, doing power poses can help increase your confidence.Power poses are when you pick a superhero pose and hold it. Stand like Super Woman with your arms on your waist and head up to the ceiling. If you’re feeling silly, shout, “I’ve got this! I am confident.”It may seem silly at first. You may feel weird doing it, but spending even a few minutes every day like this can help your confidence.

Move that body

When you exercise, you feel better about yourself. Exercise plays a huge role in confidence.Exercise builds your confidence and body posture. First, by working out, you gain muscles and your body corrects its’ posture. Second, because you feel good in your body it translates into the outside world. Working out is the natural solution to body posture.

2. Take action

Be curious

One of the best things you can do for your confidence is to experience life. Approach life like a kid and see how your confidence soars.You’ll ask more questions and wonder how things work. Kids don’t give an F. They go out blazing face-first into the world. They are constantly curious and tinkering with toys. Life is one big puzzle for them to figure out.Kids aren’t afraid of anything. Be like a kid.

Face your fears

Some fear is healthy and necessary to keep you alive. But oftentimes, your fear is keeping you from living.Your fear is a guide. It’s telling you where to go and where to run away from. Instead of running away from your fears, chase your fears down. Your fear is holding you back from your potential.When you face your fears, you put them in their place and gain confidence. You’ll live a more adventurous life and you’ll grow more courage and confidence.

Fail often

Once you start to experience life, you fall on your face. A lot. There is no doubt that a large part of life is falling on your face. What counts is that you stand back up.You can be confident when you accept that you’re going to fail. Accept that you’re going to fall on your face. Some of the most confident people you know are also the most insecure, but they hide it better.The more you fail, the more you realize that nobody has it figured out.

Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

3. Train your brain

Your limiting beliefs are holding you back from greatness. Learn how to challenge these thoughts and gain mastery over your beliefs.

Use affirmations

This is one of those things that while you may not believe at first, repetition is your best friend.The more you tell yourself something, the more you believe it. The more you hear something, the more you believe it. Tell yourself that you are confident. Tell yourself that you have no fears. Tell yourself that you have courage.Do it often and repeatedly and you will start to believe in yourself. You can do it.


Gratitude is also essential to training the brain. With gratitude, you train your brain to look for the good things in life. You focus more on the positive in your life and become more aware of the good things.

A growth mindset

Fixed mindsets believe that your limits are set in stone. People with fixed mindsets believe there is a cap on greatness. You can only grow so much before you’re limited.Growth mindsets believe anything is possible. They believe that growth is exponential and never stops. If you keep learning and trying, you can continue to grow.If you suffer from a fixed mindset, try these things to enter a growth mindset.

  • Change your perspective. When you stop looking at the world as hard and look at it as easy, then it makes a difference in how you approach things.
  • Look for the positive things in life and do what you can to avoid negativity.
  • Remember there are opportunities everywhere. When you start to believe something, you see it everywhere. If you believe there are opportunities, you will see them.

The brain does this amazing thing with your belief system. It does everything it can to affirm it. That’s why it’s difficult to change, but not impossible.Look for data/information that confirms your new belief system. For example, if you want to start running buy things runners would buy.Invest in a nice pair of running shoes and get sports bras. Wear them. Every time you put on your shoes or go for a run, you put a coin in the “I am a runner” jar. Put in enough coins and soon enough, you’ll believe you’re a runner.

4. Surround yourself with other confident people

You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. — Jim Rohn

Everybody you spend time with has an impact on you. They impact your likes, dislikes, opinions, and belief systems, whether you like it or not.The people closest to you have the largest impact on you. They influence you on a minuscule level that you don’t even notice.Have you ever noticed that you started to pick up your best friend’s mannerisms? Or do you start to call everyone ‘honey’ like your mom does?That’s because you are who you spend most of your time with.The obvious solution would be to spend time with other confident and positive people. It forces you to take a good look at your friend group and decide what you want for yourself.Chances are you may be around people who are negative or who don’t believe in themselves. This is only shooting your own chances of believing in yourself.Find other people who you want to be like and spend time with them. Their habits and beliefs will start to rub off on you.

5. Time will tell

Lastly, time will give you confidence. You’re not going to change your confidence overnight. But over time, you will become more confident.As you grow, you learn and experience more. The result is that you become more confident and comfortable in your skin.And as you start to get older, you start to care less about what other people think. That’s why your grandparents live large and don’t give an F. It gives you the power to live how you want to live and act like yourself. And this is the ultimate confidence booster.Once you fully embrace yourself, you are comfortable and confident in your own skin. That’s the dream everyone wants.

Final Thoughts

There are many ways to blossom from an insecure seed to a confident flower. As a recap, here are the things you can do:

  • Review strong body language
  • Face your fears
  • Train your brain
  • Surround yourself with other positive people
  • Grow confidence with age and experience

Through these five ways, you can bloom into a confident person. You can shed your insecure skin and step out into the light of confidence.You don’t have to be afraid.You don’t have to be insecure.You don’t have to hide in your cocoon.Break free and evolve into that beautiful, confident woman you were always meant to be.


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