You Are Not Alone If You’re Struggling With Mental Health

You woke up today and you’re still here

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

You’re struggling. You feel lost, trying to find your place in the world.You’re convinced that your mental illness is going to take you out. You’re convinced you’re going to die. That you’re not making it out of this war alive.It feels like it’s the end of the world and you’re going down. You keep thinking this is your life and nothing is ever going to change. You’re going to be stuck feeling this way forever.I see you.It may not seem like it but it’s not going to be forever. You will make it out of this. One day you’re going to look back and realize how far you’ve come.

A personal congratulations

You woke up today, alive, and you’re reading this. That’s amazing. The fact that you are reading this shows how strong you are.Right now, you’ve empowered yourself to make positive choices in the name of mental health.And, despite all the bad, I’m here to tell you: you’re okay.Not only that, but you’re a survivor. A fighter. A warrior.Living is one of the hardest things you have to do, and you’re doing it. This life is not easy, but you’re getting through it day by day.Every day you ‘manage’ to get through is another day that you get to put in your win column. It’s another day that you beat your mental illness.

You have mental fortitude

You’ve put up with the worst of the worst — your own thoughts. They keep coming after you, trying to get you down. Sometimes they succeed. But sometimes they don’t. And that’s key. They haven’t won.You’ve been fighting this battle for a long time now. While the end may not be in sight, you have the strength to get there.All the bad thoughts you’ve had you’ve been able to combat. Every single one of them. The darkness continues to threaten to take over, but every day you make it out alive you’re winning.Right now, you’re stuck in tunnel vision. You may not be able to see the light, but know it’s there.

The bad days won’t win

“You’ve made it through 100% of your bad days.”

Depression will drag you to the depths of Tartarus and make you feel like you’ll never get out. It feels like you’ve been stripped of your will to live.It may feel like a cage match between you and your mental illness. It seems like your mental illness is winning, but you’re not down for the count yet. You’re still here. And every second you remain here is another second you prove your strength.The fact that you are here, reading this sentence, is evidence that you’re a freaking fighter. I know you’re in pain and I know that it hurts. Hold on to all the good things.You have already made it through all the most difficult things in your life. You can get through this too.Every time you thought you wouldn’t make it, you came out on the other side. You’ve battled your worst days and got through them. You can get through the rest of them, too.

Photo by Faris Mohammed on Unsplash

The one constant you can count on

You may feel hopeless now. But you won’t always feel this way. Feelings change if you give them time. Feelings don’t stay the same. In fact, nothing stays the same.The one constant of the world is change. If there’s one thing you can count on, it’s that nothing stays the same.There is nothing you can count on in the world. There are no guarantees in life. The only two guarantees are that life will change and eventually, you will die.

Final thoughts

I’m so glad you’ve stuck around this far. The world is far brighter with you in it. Thank you for being here and for staying alive.It’s not an easy task. Being alive is the hardest thing you have to do in life. And despite all odds, here you are alive. Time will change and so will you. You’re not going to wait forever.The bad days may come and go, but you’re the one standing.At the end of the day, you’re still here.


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