7 Reasons Why You Should Embrace Your Freedom and Move from Your Hometown

Take a leap of faith

Photo by Sticker Mule on Unsplash

You feel stuck, like you’re in high school all over again. Everywhere you look, you see memories of the past.

You’re surrounded by the same people you went to school with, and it feels like you’re perpetually stuck as a teenager. It’s the same place where your parents live. The same place where you met your first girlfriend. The same place where you had all your first memories.

And at one point, it starts to feel confining. The space feels tiny, as your whole life has been confined here.

That’s why you should take the opportunity now to ditch your hometown and travel somewhere new. 

Exploring You

When I made the impromptu decision to move to LA, I had no friends or family there. All I had to rely on was myself. I had to learn to fend for myself quickly. 

I had no transportation or job and had to figure my sh!t out. I was so far out of my comfort zone it felt like I was an alien on a distant planet. In some ways, I was. 

But it encouraged me to stand up for myself and my needs. I had to get an apartment, meet people, and survive. And it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. 

Moving away from your hometown will challenge you. It puts you outside your comfort zone as you navigate new territory. Is it scary? Yes. But it’s also exciting. 

Horizons Abound

New places mean new experiences. It means new places to visit, new foods to try, and new people to meet. You’ll explore a whole new part of the world.

It’ll open up a new world of opportunity. It’s an opportunity to broaden your horizons. You’ll experience different cultures and be exposed to new ideas.

It enriches your life. By stepping out of your comfort zone, you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and gain new perspectives on life.

Whether hiking in the mountains or swimming in the ocean, living in a new place allows you to experience things you might not have been able to in your hometown.


I felt surrounded by the same people I grew up with in my hometown. It was a small town where everybody knew each other. And it was the type of place people never really leave. It was the place people came back to. 

Children stepped into family companies or worked at the pizza store. I could run into someone I know anywhere I go. It’s too small for me. 

But if you move somewhere new, sometimes bigger, you meet all kinds of new people. 

Staying in your hometown can limit your social circle and opportunities to meet new people. 

Moving somewhere new gives you the chance to develop new friendships and connections. You’ll also get the chance to expand your professional network and connections. 

Smarty Pants

Moving to a new place may also offer different opportunities for higher education or specialized training. Your hometown may not offer the education or training you want. 

You build important life skills by seeking education in a different location, providing unique personal and professional growth opportunities. 

It opens the door to different career opportunities you may not have had back home. 


While moving to LA had an adverse effect on my mental health, I consider it one of the best decisions I ever made. It’s a decision I don’t regret. 

You get to break out independently, and it’s wildly freeing to have independence like that. You get to make your own choices and do your own thing. 

Changing your scenery can drastically improve your quality of life. Becoming independent frees you. 

Fresh Start

Living in your hometown can feel suffocating. Memories of your past life surround you.

Everywhere I turn, I’m reminded of my past. There’s the place where I had my first kiss. The spot I was sitting when my best friend dumped me. The high school I went to. They aren’t all bad memories, but I don’t want to be reminded of my past constantly.

You can create a new, fresh start by moving somewhere new. You get the chance to leave behind negative experiences and relationships.

You can start a new life in a new place. You get the chance to reinvent yourself. A new place could be everything you need to focus on your goals and dreams.

Your Best Interest

I love my family, but getting stuck in a certain dynamic is easy.

One of the exciting things about moving to a new place is the benefit of saying goodbye to old, potentially toxic dynamics. Sometimes you feel inclined to stay home for family members or friends, but it’s not in your best interest.

You’re so used to playing a role that you don’t know what it’s like not to live that role. Imagine starting somewhere fresh, where you can strike out and be independent.

You learn how to take care of yourself.

You can escape whatever narrative you’ve been fed and start anew.

Final Thoughts

Leaving your hometown can be scary. You spend your life inside this town, and it’s all you know. It’s become your comfort zone. But you don’t want to stay there out of comfort. 

Moving is an opportunity to learn, grow, and experience new things. Embrace your freedom and step outside your comfort zone. You’ll broaden your horizons, build new relationships, and challenge yourself in ways you never thought possible. 

Take the leap and see where it takes you. You never know what’ll happen. 

Ready to level yourself up and become the best version of yourself? Download my free journaling guide now.

Maggie Kelly is a freelance writer who writes about mental health, self-help, and psychology. Contact at maggiepkelly@gmail.com


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