11 Simple Ways to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Learn from your failures

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Ever felt like a hamster on a wheel? 

You’re stuck in the same boring place, doing the same boring things, and not going anywhere. You’re afraid this is going to be your life.

Let’s face it, there’s no growth in comfort or comfort in growth. You need pain and discomfort to survive. You need to get comfortable being uncomfortable. 

But how, you ask? It’s a bit like diving into a cold pool; the initial shock makes you gasp, but soon, you’re doing laps with ease. 

Life becomes more meaningful, rewarding, and exciting when you constantly push your boundaries. 

All you want is to move on to the next chapter in your life. It’s time. Here are eleven ways to get your butt in gear and challenge yourself to grow. Let’s do it.

1. Initiate doing uncomfortable things.

I recently started saying “Yes” when opportunities presented themselves, especially if they seemed scary.

My fear has become a guidepost telling me what direction to go. Whenever I’m inclined to say no, I ask myself why and promptly change my answer. 

Get used to saying ‘yes’ and volunteering yourself before you feel ready. You’re never going to be ready.

2. Observe and write down your progress.

You won’t notice how much you’re growing day by day. At first, the change is small. It’s as simple as:

  • Walking 5 minutes

  • Choosing veggies over chips

  • Writing 250 words of your book

You’ll gain satisfaction when you get out of your comfort zone. You’ll know that you can handle challenges. 

Write them down and celebrate them. Every little victory is a win.  

3. Own the discomfort.

You’re going to be uncomfortable — that’s the whole point. But learning how to sit with it and act in spite of it helps. 

Own it. Say, “Wow, this is uncomfortable,” and push on anyway. Make discomfort your new norm. 

The most successful people make discomfort their default setting. 

4. Accept risks and challenges.

 The scariest things in life are often the ones where we grow the most. The adversity leads to insane amounts of growth. 

A few years ago, I decided to book a one-way plane ticket to LA with only a backpack full of clothes. It was scary, and I consider it one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. 

Lean into challenges. 

5. Accept new ideas.

This one is a huge mental challenge. It’s weird introducing new ideas to yourself. 

You might challenge one of your current worldviews or decide to look at something different than before. 

When you accept new ideas, they can turn your world upside down in a good way. It lets you do things differently, which can change the course of your life. 

6. Learn from your failures.

People often run from failure. You internalize it and believe you are a failure. Don’t fall for this. 

Failures are an opportunity to learn. Figure out what went wrong. Learn from your mistakes. Then, try again. 

7. Connect with different people.

We attract people who are similar to us. You do it because that’s what you know. But what if you connected with someone completely different?

People come from all walks of life, and each one has a fascinating story. Everyone you meet has something new to teach you.

Embrace people who have different ideas, religions, and hobbies. You’ll be shocked. Challenge yourself to have a conversation with one new person today. 

8. Try a new food or activity.

You never know what you may like until you try it. You can try on new and different parts of your personality. 

I used only to knit because that’s what my mom taught me. One day, I tried crocheting and found I enjoyed it even more than knitting. 

It challenges you and makes you a more developed person. 

9. Get comfortable being different.

Many people in your life won’t understand why you want to get out of your comfort zone. Your comfort zone is safe. 

You’ll have to get used to being different. You might lose friends, but you’ll also gain friends. 

You’re doing something incredible. You’re choosing growth. You’re going to thrive. 

10. Repeat the process.

The more you challenge yourself, the more comfortable you will feel. Once you’ve done one challenge, celebrate your progress and do it again. 

At one point, your comfort level will increase. Challenging yourself and getting out of your comfort zone will be natural. 

11. Don’t give up.

Whatever you do, don’t give up. It’s a hard journey, but it’s worth it. Keep stretching your limits. 

Remember why you’re doing this. You want something different for yourself. You want to get off life’s hamster wheel. 

The discomfort you go through will enhance your life. You’re going to face discomfort regardless. It might as well be your choice. 

The power is in your hands. 

Ready to level yourself up and become the best version of yourself? Download my free journaling guide now.

Maggie Kelly is a freelance writer who writes about mental health, self-help, and psychology. Contact at maggiepkelly@gmail.com


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