What to Do When You’re Looking For Clarity or Perspective

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

You’ve been stuck in this hump for what feels like months now.No matter what you try, nothing seems to work. Maybe you’re writing, drawing, or something else, and you lack the focus and inspiration.You can never seem to focus on what you’re doing and you find your interest in hobbies is waning. It’s not like you don’t enjoy them, but you feel stagnant.

Shake it off

The best thing you can do for yourself when you get stuck on anything is to move.You literally have to take an active approach. Whatever problem you have, you can iron out the kinks if you move.Take some sort of action to get out of your head.This may look like

  • Playing a game
  • Reading a book
  • Going for a walk
  • Shaking your body
  • Playing with your pets
  • Doing some light stretching
  • Putting on some music and dancing
  • Having a conversation with someone

The brain does its’ best work when the body is on the move or focused on something else. So, if you’re feeling stuck, get up and act. Partake in any kind of activity. All that matters is that you DO.

When all else fails

Often, the answers you’re searching for are much simpler than you think. Chances are you know the answer, but you don’t want to admit it.When you’re looking to do some soul searching, it can help if you physically remove yourself from the location you feel blocked.The best thing you can do is to immerse yourself in nature, but it’s not necessary.If you feel blocked at home, you can try going to:

  • The park
  • The beach
  • The mountains
  • A local coffee shop
  • Go on a road trip somewhere
  • Walk around the neighborhood

Recently, I’ve been feeling really blocked. No matter what I did or where I went, I couldn’t seem to shake it.I chatted with my friend about it, and we made plans for me to visit.I took a few days off from work and I went on a road trip. We spent time walking around parks and talking.I felt freer. I felt the fog in my brain lift. The air was crisp and the sounds of the water rushing and ducking quacking filled my ears.Being out in nature is a special experience. Connecting with nature returns you to your roots. It lifts your spirits and frees your soul.It even allows your mind to clear from all the clutter you experience in your daily life.

Final thoughts

It’s amazing what happens when you get some distance from your problems. You gain new perspectives and experiences. It helps you think clearly.You don’t have to feel stagnant and detached. You can free yourself.It doesn’t have to be complicated. The answers are within you. All it takes is giving your mind and body space from the clutter.


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