7 Ways to Know You’re Doing Your Soul’s Work

You never have enough time

Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash

Warmth fills you up inside.Every day you wake up, it feels like the sun is shining down on you. Colors seem brighter and the world is more in focus. Excitement boils up inside of you.This is it. This is what it feels like to be doing your soul’s work. Here are some other ways you can tell.

You don’t sleep.

Because you’re so excited about what the next day will bring. All you can think about is what you’re going to do next in your job.Your brain stirs with ideas of things to try.

You never have enough time

You wish there were more hours in the day. You get lost in your work for hours and you swear there’s never enough time to do what you want.If only there were more hours in the day.

You feel energized by it

Energy courses through your body. Your work makes you feel alive. You never thought you would feel this way about work, but here you are.Doing your work makes you feel like the energizer bunny.

You can’t wait until you get to do it again

When you’re doing your work, you’re excited. And when you’re not doing it, you’re thinking about when you’ll do it again.Work is forever on your mind, in a good way.

You truly enjoy your work

There’s nothing like getting satisfaction from your job. When you work, you feel like you put in a good day’s effort.You love doing it, and you love talking about it.

You achieve flow state easily

Flow state is easily achieved when you’re doing something you love. Chances are if you love your work, you hit flow state frequently.You look up from your work and realize time flew by.

You feel fulfilled

There’s nothing like feeling fulfillment. It’s something everyone chases, and you have it. Your life feels full of love and contentment.Life feels full of meaning and purpose.

Congratulations! If you’re doing your soul’s work you’re lucky.You get to wake up every morning, giddy at the prospect of work. In good times and bad, it’s all you ever want to do.Everyone should be so lucky to fall in love with their life and their work.


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