The Lost Girl in the Woods

The Daily Write

Forever searching for her way home

Photo by Imat Bagja Gumilar on Unsplash

June 7th: Write a short story about a boy or girl who has gotten lost.Rosa walked through the forest, lost in her thoughts.She tiptoed through the green grass and stopped and stared up at the giant, mossy trees.They shut out the outside world, cocooning her in their depth. The trees blocked out any chance of sunshine, leaving the pathway dark.Thoughts swirled around in her head, attacking her.You’re never going to be good enough.The world would be better off without you.She pushed the thoughts out of her mind, trying to dismiss them.She placed her hand on each tree as she walked past them. The forest was like a giant fortress.Alone in the forest, Rosa found herself doubting her abilities. She looked around, looking for the path home. But everything around her was a twisted maze.The leaves crunched under her feet, vines catching at her ankles.She was lost in the woods, alone with her thoughts.She tripped, falling into the tumbleweeds, faceplanting right in the dirt.As she pushed up from the ground, she tried not to cry. Sitting, she wiped away her tears when a hand reached out to her.Her gaze lifted slowly and she gaped in amazement.Before her was a tree sprite, reaching out to help her up. Green vines and leaves wrapped around the sprite and into the ground. Rosa couldn’t see where the vines stopped and the sprite began.Rosa took her hand cautiously as she got back on her feet.The tree sprite wrapped her hands around Rosa’s. Rosa felt the warmth radiate from the sprite all the way until the warmth filled her whole.The sprite made a gesture with her right hand to direct Rosa.It was then that she could see it. The light.Right through the maze of trees, Rosa could see a pinpoint of light in the distance. She felt the warmness in her heart and knew this was her way out.It was her way home.

Key Message: There is light in the distance. Sometimes you need a helping hand to see it.



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