A Life Without the Internet

The Daily Write

Humans withstand the test of time

Photo by Adrian Craig on Unsplash

June 8th: The internet has suddenly stopped working. What’s the world like, after?I grew up in the age of the internet. Before computers could fit into our hands and we could browse the web in seconds.We had a big, clunky computer where my sister and I played all kinds of computer games. Back before we had text, we had AIM.The internet wasn’t a big resource until I entered middle school. Then, it changed the whole game.It’s crazy how much the internet has grown since then.My parents lived in a world without the internet. And younger generations live in a world where they’ve only known the internet.If the internet disappeared tomorrow, it would be unfortunate, but I don’t think it would be the end of the world.It would be a blessing and a curse.People would come up with a new form of entertainment quickly. Even if we didn’t have the internet, technology has grown exponentially.Someone would invent something comparable.Despite losing the internet, it wouldn’t change humans.The internet is solely a resource. It’s how humans choose to use it that mucks things up.The internet and social media are not inherently bad. It’s the people behind the computer screens.History would continue the way it always has. Life will go on.There will still be good and bad people. Good things will happen and so will bad things. That’s the way of the world.The internet has changed how we live our lives, but it hasn’t changed us at the core.

Key Message: People got by without the internet before and they can do it again. The internet is just another resource that people choose to use, whether it be for better or worse.


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