My Writing Space is My Little Slice of Heaven

This is my response to New Writers Welcome June Prompt Challenge.

Photo by Evie Shaffer:

My daily writing routine begins when I wake up.

I have a set morning routine that I try to follow every morning. Doing so keeps me productive and focused.

I wake up, eat my breakfast, then work out.

Getting my blood flowing is a great boost of endorphins and wakes me up slowly and mindfully.

Then I settle in and get to work.

Writing sessions come equipped with a notebook, pen, noise-canceling headphones, and my computer.

I start my sessions by popping in my headphones and doing some work to brainstorm and outline what I’m going to write for the day.

Some days I struggle with ideas, so I allow myself twenty minutes of free writing to get my head in the game. That writing time lets me brain dump and get everything out on the page before I organize it.

In the beginning, I wrote at my desk. Cluttered as it may have been, using headphones and starting a timer were all I needed to zone in.

As I built the habit, I started writing on my bed because it was more comfortable.

Generally, my workspace has always been relatively clear.

My phone is turned off, either in a drawer or upside down. I have my notebooks open to take notes on research and outlining.

By now, I’ve built a solid muscle that I can write just about anywhere.

I recently took a leap of faith and started traveling, so my writing space varies every day.

I’m lucky enough to be able to call wherever I am my writing home.

There are some things I like to stay consistent. I keep windows out of view so I’m not distracted by the outside world. I like to find nooks and crannies where I can settle in and write.

The best writing spaces are well lit, cozy, and accompanied by furry friends.

It makes for a serene writing experience that I get to enjoy every morning.

A few articles I’ve enjoyed recently:

The 1 Hour Side Hustle Formula by Eve Arnold

Stop Writing Mediocre Articles, Focus on This To Keep Them Coming Back by Dennis De Silva

Three Things I Learned About the Small Things by Flossing Every Day by Kymberly Sangalang

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