Your Fairy Tale Soulmate Doesn’t Exist

The Daily Write

We are merely souls wandering through

Photo by Jola Chabros on Unsplash

June 18th: You meet your soul mate. What are they like?I’ve always dreamt of finding my soulmate. The one person who knows me better than anyone else. The one person who always has your back.In my mystical, starry-eyed, fairy tale view of love, there was one person for you that was truly, inevitably yours. You’re a match made in heaven. That’s the person I was sold to fall in love with.Truth be told, I was in love with the idea of love.The idea of someone loving me so purely and deeply made me swoon. I got butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. I fell for all the clichés head over heels.I idolized it. Then the real world slammed into me. Well, at least adulthood did.Suddenly, things weren’t as magical. It was less fairy tale, more real. It wasn’t the end of the world. But my childhood dreams of love had thoroughly been stomped on.Now I don’t believe in soul mates. With over 7 billion people on the planet, there is no one right person for you. Frankly, there are probably dozens. All ‘soul mates’ in different ways.One thing I know, I’ve always wanted to fall in love with my best friend.It doesn’t really matter all the quirks. I want to be with someone who is genuine and has the same values as me. Someone who will make me laugh when I feel sad. And someone who will take care of me when I’m sick. That’s the foundation of successful relationships.One day, I will fall in love, and who knows who it’ll be?

Key Message: Soulmates are not one of a kind.

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