The One Thing I Collect


Play that funky music

Photo by Ranurte on Unsplash

June 19th: What do you collect?I’ve never been much of a collector. I’m more minimalist in nature, so I try to keep fewer possessions. Things mostly take up space, and I’m not one to collect things that have little meaning to me.There is one thing I collect.Sheet music.As a musician, I love to play instruments. Even more, I love to sing. But playing instruments come in as a close second. I’m not particularly good, but I wouldn’t call myself bad.With all the music there is to play, I find myself collecting plenty of sheet music, whether to play, sing, or both.My dream has always been to be good enough to accompany myself and write my own music. I sort of do them, but not to the standard I would care for.I’ve printed out dozens of different sheet music, and keep a downloaded folder on my computer and iPad. That way, there will always be something for me to play.

Key Message: I am a forever collector of sheet music.

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