My Favorite Way to Relieve Stress


And it benefits others too!

Photo by June Gathercole on Unsplash

June 22nd: What’s your favorite way to relieve stress?There are so many good ways to relieve stress, but one of my favorites is knitting.My grandpa taught my mom how to knit when she was young. My mom passed it on to me when I was younger. Ever since I’ve knit on and off throughout the years.When I was younger, my mom and I made use of our knitting time. It was our time. We would normally sit side by side, working on our projects, while watching a tv show on my computer.We made all kinds of scarves and hats. Best of all, we donated what we knit every year.I picked knitting back up at the start of 2021 and have been on a knitting spree. I’ve knit hats, scarves, headbands, and baby blankets.Between my mom and I, we’ve accumulated over 4 storage boxes full of scarves and hats to donate. Knitting has been a great experience because it’s helped me feel closer to my mom and it’s a way to give back to the community.

Key Message: Knitting is a great way to relieve stress and give back to the community.

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