How to Relax & Decompress Your Mind from Sensory Overload

Find a way to wind down instead of winding yourself up

Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

Have you ever been overwhelmed by things to accomplish?

Have you ever been overwhelmed by things you want to do?

Have you ever been overwhelmed by everything?

All you want to do is lie on the floor, staring at the ceiling, and question all your life decisions. Were those side bangs back in ’08 really a good idea?

A 24/7 barrage of content and information is drilled into your skull. It’s information and sensory overload. How the hell do you manage to handle it all?

Filter the garbage

There’s so much garbage on the internet that it’s hard to miss. With over 300 million terabytes of content being uploaded daily, it’s no wonder you’re experiencing overload.

Mind the content you consume. Unfollow or mute accounts that make you feel bad about yourself. Watch more puppy and cat videos. Spend less time consuming content you hate, and that makes you feel bad about yourself.

Society thrives off telling you what you’re doing wrong and how you’re screwing up your life. Advertising everywhere reminds you that you’re far from perfect. Remove what you can and ignore what you can’t.

It’s easier said than done, but as you filter it through your mind, you’ll condition yourself to look for positivity instead of negativity.

Digital decompress

I love the internet. Without it, I couldn’t be sharing this with you. That being said, you have to take time away from it.

Your job may depend on your use of technology and the internet. All the more reason to take time away to decompress from it. Everyone is so tied to their phone because of the fear of missing out.

It’s time to step away from the phone and enter the silence. You might initially feel some anxiety being away from the internet and your phone, but it feels freeing. Phones (and tech) are constant noise.

You can’t be on your technology without a constant barrage of information. Taking time away from the screen is just what the doctor ordered.

If you can manage, take some time every week where you turn off your phone, iPad, computer, etc.

Leading me to the final point:

Take time for yourself

There’s enough overload from the internet alone. Let alone the rest of the world. When you overwork yourself and get burnt out, everything feels trying.

You get snippy and tired. You have no barometer to deal with any of the shit that comes your way. So, remember to take time for yourself.

Escape from your life duties and do something that relaxes you. Bonus points if you stay offline.

You can:

  • Meditate

  • Read a good book

  • Go on a nature walk

Just do something that doesn’t require great mental energy. The point of taking time for yourself is to unwind, not wind yourself up.

Final thoughts

There’s constant stress and stimuli in the world. If you’re not paying attention, it’ll catch up to you, and you’ll find yourself screaming at your partner over burnt toast.

Don’t let the overwhelm get to you. Be ahead of the game and allow yourself space and compassion.

Be compassionate toward yourself. It may not always be easy, but it’s worth it.

Ready to level yourself up and become the best version of yourself? Download my free journaling guide now.

Maggie Kelly is a freelance writer who writes about mental health, self-help, and psychology. Contact at


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